Best quotes by Scott Kelly on Time

Checkout quotes by Scott Kelly on Time

  • A year is a long time to live without the human contact of loved ones, fresh air, and gravity, to name a few.
    - Scott Kelly
  • There's a lot of work to do - not only the science but maintaining the facilities up here. When you go down from a crew of six to a crew of three, obviously you've lost half of your crew time available, so it does have an impact. But it's an impact we plan for.
    - Scott Kelly
  • I feel more like an environmentalist since I've been up here. There are parts of the Earth that are covered with pollution all the time. I saw weather that was unexpected. Storms bigger than we've seen in the past. This is a human effect. This is not a natural phenomenon.
    - Scott Kelly
  • I've flown in space four times now, so it's going to be hard in that respect, but I certainly look forward to going back to Earth. I've been up here for a really long time and sometimes, when I think about it, I feel like I've lived my whole life up here.
    - Scott Kelly
  • I think what most people miss, and what I missed last time, are the people that are important in your life. You know, the relationships you have with people on the ground.
    - Scott Kelly
  • There's certainly a loss of connection with folks on the ground who I care for and love and I want to spend time with.
    - Scott Kelly
  • There are parts of the Earth that are covered with pollution all the time. I saw weather that was unexpected. Storms bigger than we've seen in the past. This is a human effect. This is not a natural phenomenon.
    - Scott Kelly
  • We used to have a crew of three on board the space station and even at one time a crew of two people, so it's something we can adjust to.
    - Scott Kelly
  • I think anyone that's in the same building or the same place for a really long period of time, some parts of it become routine.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Flying in space is a privilege, whether it's the first time or the fourth time.
    - Scott Kelly
  • Leaving the space station was bittersweet - I had been there for a long time and looked forward to leaving, but it is a remarkable place.
    - Scott Kelly