Best quotes by Ted DiBiase Sr. on Character

Checkout quotes by Ted DiBiase Sr. on Character

  • It's just one of those things. When you're a wrestler you're thinking about one guy, yourself, your character and whatever guy it is you're working with. When you're a writer and you're kind of in a booking type role, you're thinking about the entire roster so you're thinking about wrestling 24 hours a day.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • The Million Dollar Man thought he could buy anybody or anything and that was the essence of the character. About as evil as you can get!
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • By the time Vince McMahon called upon me to become this character, the Million Dollar Man, I had already been wrestling for 12 years.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • The Million Dollar Man the character is actually a Vince McMahon original. It was presented to me and Vince kind of started laying it out.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.
  • Bobby Heenan to me, he was the best. Of all the guys that have been managers that can pick up a microphone and talk, he was a natural and so good. His character like mine was so hated, it was like a little weasel.
    - Ted DiBiase Sr.