Best quotes by Patti Smith on Work

Checkout quotes by Patti Smith on Work

  • People have the power to redeem the work of fools.
    - Patti Smith
  • I didn't know Kurt Cobain or Amy Winehouse, but I was affected by both of their deaths because I admired their work so much and mourned their youth and work they would never produce.
    - Patti Smith
  • I just do my work, and I work every day, and my ambition is just to do something better than I last did.
    - Patti Smith
  • I didn't love Jim Morrison 'cause he was self-destructive. I loved him because of his work. Because of the way he merged poetry and rock-and-roll. Because he did something new.
    - Patti Smith
  • I would rather write or record something great and have it overlooked than do mediocre work and have it be popular.
    - Patti Smith
  • I work to Glenn Gould in the morning and go to sleep listening to Parsifal.
    - Patti Smith
  • An artist wears his work in place of wounds.
    - Patti Smith
  • I am still a very optimistic person. I continue to do work with joy.
    - Patti Smith