Best quotes by Samuel Eto'o on Work

Checkout quotes by Samuel Eto'o on Work

  • Like most Africans, I had to work much harder and show much deeper belief than others.
    - Samuel Eto'o
  • It is important to feel the support of my family. Mentally, I can get away from everything that is football when I come home to be with them. Yes, work is a pleasure, but there will always be family.
    - Samuel Eto'o
  • I think all of us want to work and get paid what we are worth.
    - Samuel Eto'o
  • No one wants to work for little money; otherwise, they would be living on the streets.
    - Samuel Eto'o
  • By God's grace and strength of my work, I've managed to build a respectable image that I use to serve both my continent and my country.
    - Samuel Eto'o