Best quotes by Jonathan Levine on Love

Checkout quotes by Jonathan Levine on Love

  • I've been a huge fan of Hal Ashby forever. And I think that the distinctive thing about 'Coming Home' is the love story, and how - kind of emotionally real it is, and how these two characters allow each other to see their - kind of vulnerabilities. And it's great because it's a love story that's not really that cheesy, either.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • 'Warm Bodies' was a more long-term thing; I had to write the script, who knew if it was every really going to happen, if I'd find the right actors, and so on, so I grabbed '50/50' because I just fell in love with it.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • I really hope everyone who saw 'Twilight' sees 'Warm Bodies,' but at the same time... I don't resent the comparison on a level of quality because I don't judge other movies like that. Now that I make movies, I see how hard it is to do everything. I pretty much love all movies.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • I love Jamaica so much. I've been there so much, and I think it would be great if we could shoot a movie there.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • I love subverting expectations or playing with the sort of unspoken kind of connections that the audience has.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • For me, I just value my friendships so much. I mean, I love my family, too, but my friends - I have a really special connection with my friends.
    - Jonathan Levine
  • I don't like being pigeonholed at all. It stemmed from after 'Mandy Lane': I was being offered all these horror movies. I love horror movies, but when I dreamed of being a director, it was always doing all sorts of things.
    - Jonathan Levine