Best quotes by Lauv on Music

Checkout quotes by Lauv on Music

  • I really hope to give to other people who are listening to my music the same thing that it's done for me, which is make me feel more free and more accepting of myself.
    - Lauv
  • For whatever reason, I've always gravitated towards music that feels nostalgic or longing or beautifully tragic.
    - Lauv
  • I think a lot of pop music is escapist.
    - Lauv
  • All of this music, It's definitely been the most freeing thing that I've ever done.
    - Lauv
  • I think streaming, in general, is democratising music in general.
    - Lauv
  • I just think that any person who wants music to be their career shouldn't focus on a record label. I have seen friends who sign to a label too early in their career, and they lost control over their music, and their releases were delayed or never put out.
    - Lauv