Best quotes by Samantha Shannon on World

Checkout quotes by Samantha Shannon on World

  • I'm often daydreaming, and it's because I've always liked the idea of there being something more than the normal world.
    - Samantha Shannon
  • It is a strange world, Oxford - quite claustrophobic. I was often glad I was only there for eight weeks at a time.
    - Samantha Shannon
  • People question what I thought of Oxford. Students used to talk about the 'Oxford bubble' because the place can make you feel cut off from the rest of the world. I would forget there were places like London that were not centred round libraries and essays.
    - Samantha Shannon
  • I am never not thinking about stories. 'The Bone Season' is 90% of my brain - 10% is interacting with the rest of the world.
    - Samantha Shannon
  • I do take this insane pleasure in world-building. I get the world in my head, but I have to make sure everyone else gets it.
    - Samantha Shannon
  • I fell even more deeply in love with Tolkien's legendarium after studying Old English literature at uni, as I got a sense of the historical events and cultures that Tolkien used to create his world. My favourite of his imaginary locations is Lothlorien.
    - Samantha Shannon
  • Rowling is a luminous storyteller. I love her sense of humor and the intricate wizarding world she built around Hogwarts. I think all writers aspire to be like her, to capture readers like she does. But I didn't think about 'Harry Potter' when I wrote 'The Bone Season.'
    - Samantha Shannon
  • J. K. Rowling is one of my favourite authors, and I really admire how she created this big wizarding world. But I think our books are very, very different, and I don't think there can be a next J. K. Rowling. She is one of a kind.
    - Samantha Shannon