Best quotes by Tony Todd on Me

Checkout quotes by Tony Todd on Me

  • The work I did with Artists Collective led me to a scholarship at Uconn… It led to me getting a scholarship at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center and a scholarship at Trinity Rep in Providence.
    - Tony Todd
  • The ability to be frightening with stillness is what appeals to me.
    - Tony Todd
  • October's a busy month for me. I usually find myself working but I also try to do one or two conventions in that period. Then whatever city I'm in, they want to drag me to their local horror theme park.
    - Tony Todd
  • When Michael Bay called me, I'd worked with him before on 'The Rock,' and he called me and said, 'Tony, I might have something for you.' I said, 'Okay, you haven't called me in ten years!' He said, 'I've been busy!' I said, 'I've been busy too Michael, glad we could make our schedules match!'
    - Tony Todd
  • I was going to Hartford High School and when the theater bug hit, it hit hard and it saved my life. It gave me focus, direction and purpose.
    - Tony Todd
  • Worth' was a script that was sent to me, and I felt it was something different and important to do.
    - Tony Todd