Best quotes by Konnie Huq on Blue

Checkout quotes by Konnie Huq on Blue

  • Blue Peter' scarred me for life. I was kayak-surfing in Cornwall and the waves were so strong it was more like white-water rafting. I had to hang on for dear life. At one point I let go and my hand was crushed on a rock.
    - Konnie Huq
  • My first ever interview for 'Blue Peter' was a film with JK Rowling.
    - Konnie Huq
  • I guess when you're on 'Blue Peter' there's that goody-two-shoes image which people find attractive.
    - Konnie Huq
  • The brilliant thing about 'Blue Peter' is the variety of the stuff you do and the experiences that you have, just amazing experiences.
    - Konnie Huq
  • Because Blue Peter can get you access to places - if you go to somewhere like Nasa, you don't just see what most people see, you can get a lot of behind the scenes access. You can talk to an astronaut.
    - Konnie Huq