Best quotes by Ryan Giggs on People

Checkout quotes by Ryan Giggs on People

  • It's not just the players, it's the culture. Sometimes it's the people around them; the people who are looking after them - the money they're given. Some of the families give up their jobs and live off their sons. That would never have happened 10 years ago.
    - Ryan Giggs
  • Where I grew up, people obviously knew my dad because it's a small place and he was the top player for Swinton - they'd go and watch him play, see him in the papers, so they knew he was black.
    - Ryan Giggs
  • A lot of people don't know that my father is black.
    - Ryan Giggs
  • I didn't become a footballer to be famous, I became a footballer to be successful. I didn't want to be famous. Now people want to be famous. Why? Why would you want people following you about all day? I couldn't think of anything worse.
    - Ryan Giggs
  • He was a professional rugby player in the area that I played as a youngster. So a lot of people who I went to school with knew who he was and knew that he was black. So I would get racist taunts in school.
    - Ryan Giggs