Best quotes by Don Lemon on People

Checkout quotes by Don Lemon on People

  • I'm a gay black guy. If I can't ask questions without caring what people think of me, who can?
    - Don Lemon
  • Think about just how much we'd get accomplished if we collectively viewed the people with whom we came into contact as just an American and not an American with a prefix.
    - Don Lemon
  • I think it would be great if everybody could be out. But it's such a personal choice. People have to do it at their own speed. I respect that.
    - Don Lemon
  • I was hired by the 'Tom Joyner Morning Show' to do commentary that makes people think. I want my audience to feel like they are learning and not being pandered to.
    - Don Lemon
  • I'm not concerned with what people think of me.
    - Don Lemon
  • There are features that African Americans have that are similar! There are features that white people have that are similar! Features that Hispanic people have that are similar!
    - Don Lemon
  • Governing means governing all of the people, no matter what demographic it is, whether it'd be black, white, women, straight, gay, Republican.
    - Don Lemon
  • Some people are saying, 'Justin Bieber is racist.' Is he? I don't know.
    - Don Lemon