Best quotes by Roustam Tariko on People

Checkout quotes by Roustam Tariko on People

  • I am president of Russian Standard Company, biggest luxury vodka in Russia. My bank, Russian Standard Bank, issues biggest number of credit cards in Russia. I want for Russian people to have their own best vodka, their own best bank, their own best credit card.
    - Roustam Tariko
  • A lot of people offered me to go public, but I have always rejected it.
    - Roustam Tariko
  • I always wanted to work on the consumer market; I always wanted to work with people.
    - Roustam Tariko
  • There are a lot of people who are trying hard to sell themselves as Russian vodkas.
    - Roustam Tariko
  • My biggest entertainment in Moscow was to go to the subway and watch people. When American students visited, I watched them; I learned English from them.
    - Roustam Tariko
  • I started like many young Russian people in the beginning of perestroika when it seemed that everything was possible.
    - Roustam Tariko