Best quotes by Lori Lightfoot on City

Checkout quotes by Lori Lightfoot on City

  • We have to get to a place in the city where our young officers understand that respectful, constitutional engagement with the community is their most powerful tool.
    - Lori Lightfoot
  • Building channels for people to believe that the city sees them and hears them and is willing to invest, is going to be critically important, and we have to start that right away.
    - Lori Lightfoot
  • We have a lot of taxpayers in this city who deserve to get every nickel of their tax dollars that they're entitled to from Washington, and I intend to make that happen.
    - Lori Lightfoot
  • So, yes, I became the vessel into which people poured their hopes that we can have a different kind of city. I recognize that, but in politics, sometimes it's good to be lucky.
    - Lori Lightfoot
  • As I examine progressive revenue options, I want to make sure wealthy individuals and businesses pay their fair share, that we reduce the burden on low-income and middle-class families, and not drive businesses from Chicago or create a disincentive for businesses to invest in our city.
    - Lori Lightfoot
  • I do not support the city's red light camera system. This system was sold to Chicagoans as a public safety solution, but it's always really been about revenue, and we've seen that fines fall disproportionately on people of color.
    - Lori Lightfoot