Best quotes by David Cage on Experience

Checkout quotes by David Cage on Experience

  • Getting the player emotionally involved is the holy grail. We try to make players forget they're playing a game. We want them to live the experience and suspend disbelief.
    - David Cage
  • If 'Heavy Rain' is a huge commercial success, it will show everybody in the industry that the world is sick of first-person shooters, that people are ready for an adult gaming experience. If we fail, it will say, 'Please keep making the same old stuff.'
    - David Cage
  • 'Heavy Rain' is really 'Fahrenheit' with more experience, more maturity, and probably a better vision and understanding of how this type of experience can be created.
    - David Cage
  • On 'Heavy Rain,' the game started with something that happened to me when I lost my son, my six-year-old boy, in a mall. I was so scared. I was curious to see if I could create that impression, that fear, in a game, an interactive experience.
    - David Cage
  • With 'Detroit,' we realized that we wanted to create an experience that could be meaningful.
    - David Cage
  • Every time you try to create an experience with a character who doesn't use a gun, doesn't drive a car, doesn't jump off platforms, doesn't solve puzzles, you are taking a risk.
    - David Cage
  • QTE is a very strange thing... it really depends on what you expect from your game experience.
    - David Cage
  • Technology remains a tool: you can have the best tool in the world, but if you have nothing to say, it will remain an empty experience.
    - David Cage
  • I disagree that injecting emotion into a game comes at the expense of the playing experience.
    - David Cage
  • 'Papo & Yo' is an incredibly emotional experience. It shows that video games can talk about anything, even the most personal and sensitive matters.
    - David Cage