Best quotes by Rory McIlroy on Myself

Checkout quotes by Rory McIlroy on Myself

  • I realise that every time my face is on TV or I'm playing in a tournament, that I am a role model for a lot of people and a lot of kids do look up to me. I try to do my best in that regard and put myself across as honestly and as modestly as possible, as well.
    - Rory McIlroy
  • Two years ago, of course, I was just a rookie and listened to everybody. In a way I am still a rookie. I'm only 23 and I'll be surrounded by great players who have played in a lot more Ryder Cups than myself. But the rankings say I am the best player at the moment and so that brings a responsibility.
    - Rory McIlroy
  • I've had support from all sides, from people who call themselves Irish, from Northern Irish, to the whole of the UK, to people in America, and it would be terrible for me to segregate myself from one of those groups that support me so much.
    - Rory McIlroy
  • I have always said I will try to answer questions honestly. I don't want to change that about myself. I think people appreciate that about me.
    - Rory McIlroy
  • You know I need that cockiness, the self-belief, arrogance, swagger, whatever you want to call it, I need that on the golf course to bring the best out of myself. So you know once I leave the golf course, you know that all gets left there.
    - Rory McIlroy