Best quotes by Jonny Lee Miller on Life

Checkout quotes by Jonny Lee Miller on Life

  • New York and LA are both great places to visit, but I wouldn't want to live in either of them now. I find New York extremely claustrophobic and dirty. LA is quite a nice place. But there's no hustle and bustle, no street life.
    - Jonny Lee Miller
  • As far as 'Trainspotting' changing my life, I think I've said before I probably squandered a few opportunities. But I'm fine with that because everything's fine.
    - Jonny Lee Miller
  • As far as 'Trainspotting' changing my life, I think I've said before I probably squandered a few opportunities. But I'm fine with that because everything's fine.
    - Jonny Lee Miller
  • I try to avoid talking about my personal life, but I certainly don't get angry about it - I just don't talk about it.
    - Jonny Lee Miller
  • There is nothing, not a thing, like the process of creating a character for the stage - you can't get it anywhere else. Unless you're totally method and spend six months living your life like your character for a film, the theater is the place to get that intense acting experience.
    - Jonny Lee Miller
  • I made some really bad decisions, and I turned a lot of work down and kind of got lost in life.
    - Jonny Lee Miller