Best quotes by Ronna McDaniel on Country

Checkout quotes by Ronna McDaniel on Country

  • I'm a Republican; I'd say I'm a conservative Republican. My job as RNC chair is to elect Republicans all across this country.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • If we can find a way to enforce our laws and keep people from coming into our country illegally while maintaining a strong legal immigration system, I think that's going to benefit everyone. If you come here illegally, and you commit a crime, you're not going to be able to stay in our country.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • Donald Trump is a champion of women. He recognizes that we add to the conversation, and that certainly something as Republican Party chair I'm going to be reaching out to women all across this country.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • We do need to get to the bottom of what Russia did and their interference in the election. And we need to also figure out how the Obama administration failed so miserably to allow Russia to have this type of impact in our country.
    - Ronna McDaniel
  • I think our country will keep Republicans in the majority.
    - Ronna McDaniel