Best quotes by Mika on Me

Checkout quotes by Mika on Me

  • In fact, no one has ever really wanted to go on a date with me.
    - Mika
  • To me, being a classical snob in the highest possible way and being an indie snob is just as bad!
    - Mika
  • I can't just listen to music walking down the street unless I have a reason to. I can't just listen to music as a piece of junk in the background. It drives me insane.
    - Mika
  • I was always told I was ugly. I still think I am ugly. I know I've got an odd face and you can't tell me otherwise.
    - Mika
  • I was always told that I was too strange or that I was too cheesy by different groups of people, like the record companies said I was way too weird and the indie people wouldn't even let me in their band.
    - Mika
  • I found school pretty tough. I got the mickey taken out of me at school.
    - Mika
  • In the past, it weighed on me because nobody in my family is gay. I had no role models so I had to find my own way.
    - Mika
  • Everything I write is about me.
    - Mika
  • I really want people to know me, to find out about me, and if they really like me, to stick with me.
    - Mika
  • Identity for me is something that has to be played with and explored, and not become complacent about or uninterested in.
    - Mika