Best quotes by Noah Centineo on Life

Checkout quotes by Noah Centineo on Life

  • Life kind of forces us to put these filters on, whether it's because someone told you you weren't good enough - excluded you or bullied you. Or maybe your parents screwed up on accident in some way and it changed who you were. There's this pressure to fit into a mold and change who you're supposed to be.
    - Noah Centineo
  • If I can inspire one spark of awareness or get a spark of introspection or reflection about someone else's life, that's a beautiful thing, in my opinion.
    - Noah Centineo
  • I would say that all of my experience on any set over the course of my life has helped me in directing 'Save Me Tonight.'
    - Noah Centineo
  • I'm not really on dating apps. I used to be when I was younger. I'd rather meet people in real life.
    - Noah Centineo
  • I definitely have that bug; I'd really like to do some auteur, existential pieces, darker films, something that's really reflective of life. But I also love the genre of rom-coms, and I don't see myself completely detaching from that.
    - Noah Centineo
  • I would say I kind of just realized one day that it wasn't worth hiding from my emotions, and that I was unhappy, and that I needed to make a change in my life so that I could be happier.
    - Noah Centineo
  • When I was turning 21, I was like, 'Damn, I've been partying like crazy since I was 17...' I was like, 'Wow, maybe I should take a break.' So I stopped doing all that, and I found that a lot of problems I was having in my life, slowly, they didn't go away: they just became way more apparent to me.
    - Noah Centineo