Best quotes by Rodrigo Duterte on Will

Checkout quotes by Rodrigo Duterte on Will

  • I will flight for the people until my last breath.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • If you are an upright journalist, nothing will happen to you.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • I have to build a new environment for the people. I will place them in ecozones and provide them assistance. I will build hospitals there. There will be economic activity.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • I only want three children for every family. I'm a Christian, but I'm a realist, so we have to do something with our overpopulation. I will defy the opinion or the belief of the Church.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • I will retire with the reputation of Idi Amin.
    - Rodrigo Duterte