Best quotes by Rodrigo Duterte on People

Checkout quotes by Rodrigo Duterte on People

  • No leader, however strong, can succeed at anything of national importance or significance unless he has the support and cooperation of the people he is tasked to lead and sworn to serve.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • God does not discriminate against people, regardless of color, religion, social class, or gender and sexual preferences.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • I will flight for the people until my last breath.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • I have to build a new environment for the people. I will place them in ecozones and provide them assistance. I will build hospitals there. There will be economic activity.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • For every profanity, there's a story behind it. People should go beyond my cussing.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • I slap people in public, especially erring policemen. I can even challenge them to a duel. I am a gunfighter.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • Rich people are afraid to die.
    - Rodrigo Duterte
  • From day one, I told people there are consequences for not abiding by the law.
    - Rodrigo Duterte