Best quotes by Drew McIntyre on People

Checkout quotes by Drew McIntyre on People

  • I want to inspire people and show people no matter what happens, no matter how much you get knocked down, you can pick yourself up. Just keep pushing forward, keep being positive.
    - Drew McIntyre
  • The big thing for me is no longer is trying to impress people around me.
    - Drew McIntyre
  • I know this business better than most people, and I'm extremely passionate about it.
    - Drew McIntyre
  • I appreciate when people give us some positive feedback, and in the past, when I was younger, I might have allowed it to get to my head and have a bit of an ego.
    - Drew McIntyre
  • There are a lot of people very sure of themselves that need to be brought back down to Earth. As good as they think they are, they're really not.
    - Drew McIntyre
  • I've been so lucky with people giving me an opportunity to showcase the real Drew.
    - Drew McIntyre
  • Most people jump for joy when WWE come calling, and rightly so.
    - Drew McIntyre