Best quotes by Robert Redford on Life

Checkout quotes by Robert Redford on Life

  • Sport is a wonderful metaphor for life. Of all the sports that I played - skiing, baseball, fishing - there is no greater example than golf, because you're playing against yourself and nature.
    - Robert Redford
  • When you get older, you learn certain life lessons. You apply that wisdom, and suddenly you say, 'Hey, I've got a new lease on this thing. So let's go.'
    - Robert Redford
  • He's meant to be that classic Homer, Ulysses, Hercules - a character who goes out or has some gift of some kind. He goes on a journey of discovery and part of that is falling into darkness - the temptations of life.
    - Robert Redford
  • As an actor and as a person you come together with being in familiar territory although that has not been my whole life. That's been a part of it. I think a lot of people associate me with the west because of Sundance.
    - Robert Redford
  • I did not, like my children and people today, grow up with television as part of my life.
    - Robert Redford
  • Radio, newspapers, they were normal parts of my life. In those days, you had to go somewhere to watch television and leave something to see it.
    - Robert Redford
  • Radio, newspapers, they were normal parts of my life. In those days, you had to go somewhere to watch television and leave something to see it.
    - Robert Redford
  • What I would do is when I was younger I would draw in a sketch book something that happened in my life and then write a little something on the side about what happened or what the story.
    - Robert Redford
  • What I would do is when I was younger I would draw in a sketch book something that happened in my life and then write a little something on the side about what happened or what the story.
    - Robert Redford