Best quotes by Robert Griffin III on Me

Checkout quotes by Robert Griffin III on Me

  • You can say whatever you want; it doesn't matter. It doesn't faze me. I'll still go out and do what I have to do, whether that's making A's in the classroom or doing well on the field.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • For me, a quarterback's best friend, especially a young quarterback's best friend, is a coach who believes in him.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • Teams are going to try to hit me because they think I can't take a hit. I think I've proven over my career that I can.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • To me, it's not necessarily about whom you vote for, it's more about the fact that you go out and exercise that right. There's a lot of people who fight for our right to vote and people in other countries fighting for other peoples' right to vote and I think everyone should exercise that vote.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • I have no preferred team, but everyone wants to go No. 1 in the draft. Even the guy who gets picked last in the draft wants to go No. 1. But I just know that whoever picks me, I'm going to be excited to play for that team, and I can't wait to see myself in 'Madden' on that team.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • People have called me Superman my whole life. In various sports, that seems to be the common theme. My favorite superhero is actually the Incredible Hulk. He's the only superhero that can't die.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • I don't picture myself as a normal person when I play football, and I don't think anyone else pictures me that way as well.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • You won't see me taking it easy on the Cowboys because I'm from Texas, you won't see me cheering for the Cowboys because I'm from Texas. I'll be a Redskin, through and through.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • I know I'm the No. 1 quarterback for the Washington Redskins, and that's all that matters in my heart. That's all I wanted. I wanted a team that wanted me, and I found that.
    - Robert Griffin III
  • My parents raised me to not ever look at race or color, so it doesn't have a big part in my self-identity.
    - Robert Griffin III