Best quotes by Robert Glasper on Music

Checkout quotes by Robert Glasper on Music

  • I try to get the hip-hop aesthetic, most times without an MC. I don't use a rapper or a DJ to give it the hip-hop style; it's strictly the band that makes that music, which is a lot harder to do.
    - Robert Glasper
  • I feel like everybody's life literally has a soundtrack because we love music so much, and there are so many songs that people love.
    - Robert Glasper
  • When music is crashing around us, when you hear the same five songs on the radio that aren't really saying much, we can always go back to great music. Great music always lives on.
    - Robert Glasper
  • The music is going to die if you don't tap into something that people today can relate to.
    - Robert Glasper
  • Everybody's not going to like jazz, let's just be honest about it. Everybody doesn't like everything. There's a disconnect in generations and some people just aren't going to feel that music.
    - Robert Glasper
  • I feel like certain people think that certain styles of music will taint their jazz style.
    - Robert Glasper
  • I started out playing traditional jazz, and I still do: I love standards, I love the music. But it must move on, and it must live and breathe, and continue to grow, and continue to change, and continue to mesh with other music - all that kind of stuff. Jazz can be on the playground too, you know.
    - Robert Glasper
  • Jazz is like a big secret club. The mainstream media doesn't pay any attention to it; it's, like, 1 percent of the music market - no one cares. Why? Because the majority of jazz is old.
    - Robert Glasper
  • I want to remind people that black music is amazing. And there are all forms of it that we've forgotten, you know? Rock music is black music! Don't forget that's what it is.
    - Robert Glasper
  • I got into hip-hop, but I still had appreciation for all types of music, so I was trained to have an open mind and to always go with the flow.
    - Robert Glasper
  • None of the jazz greats made music for the purpose of you going to check out music before them. Michael Jackson didn't make music so you could go check out Sam Cooke.
    - Robert Glasper