Best quotes by Dan Gilroy on World

Checkout quotes by Dan Gilroy on World

  • I have a strong desire to communicate what I feel about the world. That's exciting to me.
    - Dan Gilroy
  • I had heard about the nightcrawling world, and I'm very aware that there are tens of millions of young people around the world who are facing bleak employment prospects.
    - Dan Gilroy
  • I feel that the world is increasingly about the bottom line, and not so much about human respect or human dignity. In that regard, people who care about other people will not be in a position to make choices and do things that other people who they're competing against will get to do.
    - Dan Gilroy
  • Every film you're commissioned to write is all about an arc; usually, the arc is that the world creates a change in the character, usually for the better. To not have an arc, the messages and ideas in the film became more prominent.
    - Dan Gilroy
  • I think Los Angeles is often portrayed as kind of a petri dish, where bad decisions start and then spread to the rest of the world. I don't see it that way. I feel Los Angeles is a place of almost primal struggle and survival. It's not a city that embraces its inhabitants.
    - Dan Gilroy