Best quotes by Anh Do on People

Checkout quotes by Anh Do on People

  • My mum knows people in the village who died or were affected by Agent Orange who had kids who are disabled. I could have been an orphan. So many things could have gone wrong but here I am... I realise how lucky I am to be here.
    - Anh Do
  • If I inherited a billion dollars and didn't have to work ever again, what would I do to fill my day? I'd paint, I'd write jokes and stories, and I'd hang out and chat to very interesting people.
    - Anh Do
  • Many people told me not to call the book '... Refugee' because Aussies won't buy it. I told them I have faith in Aussies, and it makes me a proud Aussie to see that the title hasn't hurt the book.
    - Anh Do
  • Stand-up comedy is a really lonely profession: you 'perform for 2000 people, then you go to a hotel room by yourself and stare at a wall.
    - Anh Do
  • I'm interested in everything about people. Not just, 'what do you do for a living?' but I want to know about their fears and sadnesses and listen to their regrets, both sides of it, the happy and the sad.
    - Anh Do
  • A lot of being a comedian is about observing people.
    - Anh Do
  • I love the company of my family and I like being on stage performing because I'm interested in people.
    - Anh Do