Best quotes by Riley Keough on People

Checkout quotes by Riley Keough on People

  • People are judgmental about sex, but everyone has their own moral code. So unless you are hurting people, who are we to say what's right?
    - Riley Keough
  • I think acting is a fun thing because you get to have so many lifetimes in one lifetime, being all these different people.
    - Riley Keough
  • It's hard when you play something that people are like, 'Wow that's really cool - you just did something really epic,' because you're not always going to be playing epic characters in a role.
    - Riley Keough
  • I was one of those kids who thought I could be the president of England when I grew up if I wanted to. Then I started acting and realized life is hard, and people are mean. And there's no president of England, and I'm not British.
    - Riley Keough
  • I do think we need heroes. It gives people hope and an example to follow.
    - Riley Keough
  • I still want to direct. That's my main love, and that comes from being obsessed with subtleties and people.
    - Riley Keough
  • Everyone enjoys music and film. It just makes people happy or makes them feel things. We're not saving peoples' lives, but if we are entertaining them, that's as much as I can contribute in this life.
    - Riley Keough
  • There have been so many times when I'm sitting next to someone, and I have no idea who they are. I'm not very up to date on pop culture, and I'm sure I've offended people by being like, 'Oh, what do you do?'
    - Riley Keough