Best quotes by Ricky Jay on Me

Checkout quotes by Ricky Jay on Me

  • Theft annoys me more than anything else. The purloining of effects from another magician. Some people think it's massive to steal the secrets of nuclear reactors, but to steal a card move is trivial. They're wrong.
    - Ricky Jay
  • I'm probably the only kid in history whose parents made him stop taking music lessons. They made me stop studying the accordion.
    - Ricky Jay
  • I was considered a comedy magician. And - how do I put this without sounding egotistical? - it didn't take me long to realize that comedy magicians usually couldn't do comedy or magic.
    - Ricky Jay
  • I don't know what first got me to attack melons. It's not like I ate a bad one and got an upset stomach. It just eventually seemed like the appropriate fruit.
    - Ricky Jay
  • For me, the most exciting thing is to create good magic that's entertaining for an audience, and it would be lovely if a magician was fooled as well.
    - Ricky Jay