Best quotes by Isaac Mizrahi on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Isaac Mizrahi on Knowledge

  • You know who a role model for me is? George Ballanchine.
    - Isaac Mizrahi
  • When someone says you can't do what you know you can do, then you can't do anything.
    - Isaac Mizrahi
  • How do I do it? I don't know how I wouldn't do it - that's the thing.
    - Isaac Mizrahi
  • You know what makes me teary? Goya. Goya makes me cry.
    - Isaac Mizrahi
  • The reason people like to watch ball games is because they don't really know exactly what's going to happen from moment to moment. That's why you watch the entire thing.
    - Isaac Mizrahi
  • The last thing I want to become is one of those talking heads where everything is satiny smooth and you know what the next question is going to be.
    - Isaac Mizrahi