Best quotes by Ann Patchett on Time

Checkout quotes by Ann Patchett on Time

  • People gave me such a bad time about wanting a baby. I didn't want a baby, and I still don't. I wanted a dog.
    - Ann Patchett
  • I had a real computer solitaire problem. I'd gotten to the point where I had to win a game before I could write, and each time I got up to get a cup of water, I had to win a game. It was a nightmare.
    - Ann Patchett
  • I go through long periods of time when I don't write, and I'm fine.
    - Ann Patchett
  • The '70s were a different time as far as parenting was concerned. People left their kids in the car with the windows cracked while they went to the grocery store.
    - Ann Patchett
  • You learn every time you write a book, and then you take that new knowledge and experience into the next book. Hopefully, every time, you raise the bar.
    - Ann Patchett