Best quotes by Rick Santorum on Family

Checkout quotes by Rick Santorum on Family

  • Defend the church. Defend the family. Defend the non-profit community. Defend them against a government that wants to weaken them.
    - Rick Santorum
  • You can't ignore the reality that faith and family, those two things are integral parts of having limited government, lower taxes, and free societies.
    - Rick Santorum
  • The more money you take away from families is the less power that family has. And that's a basic power.
    - Rick Santorum
  • The family is the first economy. If the family breaks down, well, government gets bigger because of the consequences of family breakdown. We see in the neighborhoods where there are no marriages and there are no two-parent families.
    - Rick Santorum
  • You can't have a limited government if the family breaks down.
    - Rick Santorum