Best quotes by Terence Tao on Work

Checkout quotes by Terence Tao on Work

  • I don't have any magical ability. I look at a problem, play with it, work out a strategy.
    - Terence Tao
  • If there is something that I should know how to do but don't, it bugs me. I feel like I have to sit down and work out exactly what the problem is.
    - Terence Tao
  • My life is more than just my work. I am a husband and a father and a proud citizen of two countries: my homeland of Australia and my adopted country here in the United States.
    - Terence Tao
  • When I was seven or eight, whenever I was getting too rowdy at night, my parents would give me a maths workbook to work on to quieten me down.
    - Terence Tao
  • Research sometimes feels like an ongoing TV series in which some amazing revelations have already been made, but there are still plenty of cliff-hangers and unresolved plotlines that you want to see resolved. But unlike TV, we have to do the work ourselves to figure out what happens next.
    - Terence Tao