Best quotes by Ethan Coen on People

Checkout quotes by Ethan Coen on People

  • People are always curious about brothers working together.
    - Ethan Coen
  • People respond to real problems from the heart.
    - Ethan Coen
  • Whenever you're specific with ethnicity or religion, people find reason to take offence.
    - Ethan Coen
  • We loved the language in Cormac McCarthy's 'No Country,' which is really about the region, while in 'True Grit' it's more about period: people did speak more formally and floridly.
    - Ethan Coen
  • That's interesting: people deriving their identities from their music.
    - Ethan Coen
  • Mainstream movies used to be more adventurous because people went to them.
    - Ethan Coen
  • It's very weird when people you know are in 'Star Wars.'
    - Ethan Coen
  • It's important to tell the story you're telling in the right way, which might involve black people or people of whatever heritage or ethnicity - or it might not.
    - Ethan Coen
  • You don't go around thinking about how characters in a movie, in the stories you make up, relate to people in general.
    - Ethan Coen
  • It's always tempting to cast someone you enjoy being with. You've got to hang out with these people for a number of months.
    - Ethan Coen