Best quotes by Andrew W.K. on Music

Checkout quotes by Andrew W.K. on Music

  • To me, life is huge and thrilling and exciting and explosive and loud. If I can make music that communicates that and reflects that, then that's an achievement.
    - Andrew W.K.
  • As someone that really likes painting and visual art but also likes video and movies and also music and recording and style and clothes, it was hard to pick what to do with my life.
    - Andrew W.K.
  • It's my responsibility to show people that this music is something they can trust in and believe in, and it's not a joke. It's not anything but 100 percent from my heart.
    - Andrew W.K.
  • I think all of our concerts, really, as parties. It's a performance for sure. It's not a recital. It's a celebration of that music.
    - Andrew W.K.
  • For me, music, in the truest sense of the word, is about making people happy.
    - Andrew W.K.