Best quotes by Courtney A. Kemp on Power

Checkout quotes by Courtney A. Kemp on Power

  • Ultimately, at the end of the day, taking a chance on 'Power' is taking a chance on me.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • When it comes to power as it functions between humans, it all comes down to desire. If you know what someone wants, you can control them. It is as simple as that. And the reverse is also true: If you have control over your own desires, no one will ever own you. As humans, we are plagued with desire - it consumes us, it fuels us, it destroys us.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • 'Power' is not a black show. It's not a white show. It's a New York show.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • 'Power' would never have gotten on the air if the folks at Starz weren't saying to themselves, 'This is an underserved audience.' It was a financial decision, not a benevolent decision based on a need to change the industry.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • Great power is setting a goal, working hard for it, and achieving it in exactly the way you expected with no consequences and no remainders after the long division is done. But does that happen to anyone? The unexpected always hitches a ride along with everything you planned.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • I called my show 'Power' because, for me, the whole series is about the way my main character, Ghost, is power-less over his circumstances, even though he has almost endless access to money and guns.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • When we started on 'Power,' I was committed to respecting the differences among Spanish dialects: Dominican, Nuyorican, Mexican, etc. I wanted the language our characters spoke to be as specific as possible, to reflect New York as it is.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • There are some aspects of the story of 'Power' that clearly are about race in the sense that any one of us now who's black and was raised in this country was raised with a lie, which is, 'You can never be president.' That's not true.
    - Courtney A. Kemp
  • The impetus for 'Power' was me writing about my dad, who was an advertising executive and very interested in image. He thought that perception was reality and what people thought of you was what was real about you.
    - Courtney A. Kemp