Best quotes by Rex Hunt on Time

Checkout quotes by Rex Hunt on Time

  • Because each are going to blame each other. The thing that Canberra has to really get right is the sharing of the resource. But my problem with people in the government who are there for a short time is that there's no consequences for some of these decisions they make.
    - Rex Hunt
  • It's my style, and I'll sink or swim on that style. What you heard on 3AW is what you'll hear on Triple M, and if people don't like it, then it's time for me to become a full-time grandfather.
    - Rex Hunt
  • The nicknames - people say they couldn't understand it, but look, I have really enjoyed my time away from 3AW, and I have discovered one thing - that I am more than just a yelling fanatical football follower who makes up nicknames.
    - Rex Hunt
  • I think it's time for me to get out, because at the moment I'm only thinking about fishing 21 hours a day, and they're the waking moments. And even when I close my eyes I'm thinking about it.
    - Rex Hunt
  • I hope when I take my last breath I haven't got any regrets, because I am making up for lost time with my family.
    - Rex Hunt
  • I just think, at my stage of life, becoming a new grandfather, it's about time I started to behave like a grandfather.
    - Rex Hunt