Best quotes by Regina King on People

Checkout quotes by Regina King on People

  • I feel like 'Leftovers' is dealing with subject matter that's kind of taboo when you're talking about religion and faith. They found a way to make it mysterious and intriguing without making people upset.
    - Regina King
  • People love to see themselves on screen in a way that makes sense and seems on point.
    - Regina King
  • I like working with people. I like talking to people.
    - Regina King
  • Some people in our business want to play young as long as you can. I just wasn't interested in being a 30-year-old playing a teenager.
    - Regina King
  • I'm one of those people where, if I go back and look at it, I'm going to feel like, 'I wish I would have... ' I need to just leave it on the floor. What's done is done.
    - Regina King