Best quotes by Jason Aaron on Love

Checkout quotes by Jason Aaron on Love

  • I always liked the idea that Thor was the god who'd wake up every day and look at that hammer and not know whether he was going to pick it up. Only the worthy can lift the hammer of Thor, and I love the idea of a god who was always questioning his own worthiness.
    - Jason Aaron
  • I love working at Marvel, but it was definitely DC that got me hooked as a reader.
    - Jason Aaron
  • You gotta trust your artist. I love writing pages without dialogue, which seems weird, I guess. But few things are as powerful in comics as a really strong silent page.
    - Jason Aaron
  • I love the Marvel movies, but I always feel like we should be a step ahead of the movies. One of the reasons those movies have been so good and so successful is that they've been very good at mining the comics.
    - Jason Aaron
  • If you liked my 'Ghost Rider' run, you're going to love what they're doing in 'Punisher.'
    - Jason Aaron
  • I love characters who are kind of haunted by their pasts, who struggle on despite their flaws, knowing that, at the end of the day, they're not going to shuffle off to those pearly gates.
    - Jason Aaron