Best quotes by Jane Pauley on People

Checkout quotes by Jane Pauley on People

  • It's like if people don't see you on TV every day, they think you're in cryogenics somewhere.
    - Jane Pauley
  • I do like some of the perks, like being, recognized, especially if I've had my makeup done and I'm going to be photographed and people admire me. Who wouldn't like that?
    - Jane Pauley
  • I probably am more shy than people realize. But I'm shy when I leave a studio and I am just myself.
    - Jane Pauley
  • Many people come to reinvention when life changes around them, but people come in all different stripes. I'm oriented to change.
    - Jane Pauley
  • AARP knows the future is bright for a generation that's going to remain healthy and vital for 10, 20, 30, 40 more years. AARP has the information and resources people need throughout their process of reinvention.
    - Jane Pauley
  • I love working with an audience. I love working with actual people who, you know, if they're moved, you see it. If you say something they're stunned by, you see their jaws drop. If they're amused, they laugh - that kind of reinforcement, I totally adore.
    - Jane Pauley
  • When I grew up, there were common patterns to people's lives. Now everybody is just making it up as they go along.
    - Jane Pauley