Best quotes by Charles Bradley on Love

Checkout quotes by Charles Bradley on Love

  • My faith in God is totally... there's nothing on this planet that can change my faith and love for God. Because I believe that's who kept me strong, who kept me going through all the darkness and brought me through the darkness into the light.
    - Charles Bradley
  • With all the hurts they've been through, they find a loving way and a way to put their mind on something greater. That's what makes a good artist, a good singer: because you can hear the hurt in their voice, and you can hear the love in their voice.
    - Charles Bradley
  • I just have to open up when I'm on stage because that's what I did in my life. I want people to know what I've been through, and the love and the honesty that I have kept inside me. I just open my heart and let my heart go free.
    - Charles Bradley
  • Give your love and never change. Be willing to die for the love you carry inside.
    - Charles Bradley
  • I can't be angry at God. Look at all the love that he gave us. Look at the beautiful planet that he gave us.
    - Charles Bradley
  • When people are screaming when I'm on stage, I can't even find the words to thank them and tell them how much I love them, but I'll never forget all these faces.
    - Charles Bradley
  • I just love dancing. When the music is really hitting my soul, then I really want to get into it.
    - Charles Bradley
  • I hope my music can help many nations all over the world see that the true things come out of the earth, and then they go back into the earth. But the true love you have to find within yourself and learn to respect one another from nation to nation.
    - Charles Bradley
  • If we start putting music out constantly where people don't think no more, people go crazy. We're gonna lose the love of heart, of soul. And if the world lose that, I think the world is doomed.
    - Charles Bradley
  • Honestly, I've been excited for music ever since I was 16 years old. I'll always love the music.
    - Charles Bradley