Best quotes by Kevin de Leon on World

Checkout quotes by Kevin de Leon on World

  • California's university system is one of the premier higher education systems in the world, and we should require that non-resident students pay a premium to attend it. The revenue generated from these fees can be used to increase affordability and access for more Californians.
    - Kevin de Leon
  • There isn't enough renewable fuel in the world to crack our growing addiction to foreign oil. We need to decrease miles driven and increase engine efficiency.
    - Kevin de Leon
  • California is the greatest beacon of opportunity the world has ever known. But we didn't get here through years of political seniority - we built it through acts of audacity.
    - Kevin de Leon
  • Thanks to policies mandating clean energy development, California's electric grid is one of the least carbon-intensive in the world.
    - Kevin de Leon
  • California continues to pass the most ambitious laws in the world to expand clean energy and combat climate change.
    - Kevin de Leon