Best quotes by Geert Wilders on People

Checkout quotes by Geert Wilders on People

  • We want to make our own Netherlands, to close our borders and to keep all that money that we give to the foreigners, there is billions, to Africa for development, to Brussels, to Greece, to asylum seekers in the Netherlands, we will stop that and give all that money to the Dutch people living in the Netherlands.
    - Geert Wilders
  • I believe the Islamic ideology is a retarded, dangerous one, but I make a distinction. I don't hate people. I don't hate Muslims.
    - Geert Wilders
  • The Netherlands has been too tolerant to intolerant people for too long.
    - Geert Wilders
  • Mass immigration changes countries beyond recognition. Ordinary people are well aware of that.
    - Geert Wilders
  • Unfortunately, there is a tendency among political elites to distrust the opinions of ordinary people. They are perceived to base their views on dark instincts and unjustified fears, rather than on rational choices. European voters, however, are highly educated, and it is ridiculous to suppose they can be easily fooled or manipulated.
    - Geert Wilders
  • It's not about left and right, it's about common people and their issues.
    - Geert Wilders
  • I have said what millions of people think and find. It is a travesty that I have to defend myself in court for this.
    - Geert Wilders
  • People and nations wither away without the freedom to question what is presented to them as the truth.
    - Geert Wilders
  • I make a clear distinction between the people and the ideology, between Muslims and Islam, recognizing that there are many moderate Muslims.
    - Geert Wilders
  • Cultural relativism has made it so people don't know who they are anymore.
    - Geert Wilders
  • We should be tolerant to people who are tolerant to us. We should be intolerant to people who are intolerant to us.
    - Geert Wilders