Best quotes by Rachel Simmons on Life

Checkout quotes by Rachel Simmons on Life

  • To defer to someone else's definition of a life well-lived is a Faustian bargain.
    - Rachel Simmons
  • Parents are teachers as much as caregivers, and our children learn to navigate life's challenges by watching us. Kids can get a road map for how to handle painful emotions.
    - Rachel Simmons
  • Taking full advantage of all that college offers can be tough for teens facing a major life transition under pressure to perform. Perhaps we should all lower our expectations and let kids find their way.
    - Rachel Simmons
  • I was a single mom by choice at 37, and if my love life hadn't quite panned out, most everything else had. I was a classic 'amazing girl' - driven, social, and relentlessly well-rounded - reveling in the fruits of post-Title IX America: an all-metro athlete in high school, Rhodes Scholar at 24, best-selling author by 27.
    - Rachel Simmons
  • Whether you chose a passive-aggressive husband, workaholic wife, or life of single motherhood, we are all officially allowed - and uniquely qualified - to critique our own life experience. Please don't pretend you're living mine.
    - Rachel Simmons