Best quotes by Bill O'Reilly on Me

Checkout quotes by Bill O'Reilly on Me

  • Lotsa people want to hurt me. That's the price you pay for being a big mouth.
    - Bill O'Reilly
  • Growing up under the heavy hand of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, it was drummed into me that attending weekly mass was not an option. It was a must to avoid eternal damnation, which was not a prospect filled with many positives. Hell fire was perpetual, and no parole would be offered.
    - Bill O'Reilly
  • Far be it for the public schools to teach this, but the U.S.A. was founded on basic Judeo-Christian principles. Don't believe me - take a trip to Washington D.C. and tour the Supreme Court building. There you will see a sculpted copy of the Ten Commandments on the wall.
    - Bill O'Reilly
  • My father firmly embraced the Ralph Kramden philosophy: he was king of his Levittown castle. He worked hard, and his family deferred to his wishes. Except me. I did not defer and was disciplined accordingly.
    - Bill O'Reilly
  • Alaskans are basically 'leave me alone' type people who respect and embrace different strokes.
    - Bill O'Reilly