Best quotes by Eleanor Clift on Women

Checkout quotes by Eleanor Clift on Women

  • It's a complicated set of opinions that women bring to the voting booth.
    - Eleanor Clift
  • Looking at female candidates today, other women are the hardest on them, especially older women who were brought up in a different culture.
    - Eleanor Clift
  • Often, the disparities in the ways men and women are treated are subtle; there are not these clear barriers that you have to break down.
    - Eleanor Clift
  • Politics is so much about serendipity that we've got to have a bigger pool of women, so that when people drop out of the process, you've got others to turn to.
    - Eleanor Clift
  • The list of women to potentially be on a major party ticket, in both parties, is embarrassingly short.
    - Eleanor Clift
  • Today's young women don't really see inequities until they go out into the real world.
    - Eleanor Clift
  • You get elected, often, if you're a woman, on the strength of the women's vote; then you get into office, and you have to adapt to an overwhelmingly male environment.
    - Eleanor Clift