Best quotes by Paulina Porizkova on Age

Checkout quotes by Paulina Porizkova on Age

  • At 52 and unaltered, people tell me I look good for my age. This is not the same as being told you're beautiful.
    - Paulina Porizkova
  • My first recognition of age setting in was exactly on my 36th birthday. I have no idea why, on this day of all days, I looked in the mirror and realized my face no longer looked young.
    - Paulina Porizkova
  • I have worked every day since the age of fifteen, supporting not only myself, but also helping a sizable family when needed.
    - Paulina Porizkova
  • Now, I don't actually know the exact cut-off age where beautiful ceases and 'must have-once-been-beautiful' begins. It's true it's not forty-five. I can still get attention when I try really hard, even if it's greatly reduced.
    - Paulina Porizkova
  • I think I had my first anxiety attack at the age of 10. Then it sort of varied between being so bad that I barely dared to go out to periods where it almost vanished. It's sort of like an ebb and flow thing.
    - Paulina Porizkova