Best quotes by Peter Morgan on Work

Checkout quotes by Peter Morgan on Work

  • If you have distance from the events, then your story can work as an analogy or parable rather than its literal narrative.
    - Peter Morgan
  • As any showrunner will tell you, it is crushing work. It is around the clock. It is like a monastic commitment that you make.
    - Peter Morgan
  • Movies feel like work, and reading fiction feels like work, whereas reading nonfiction feels like pleasure.
    - Peter Morgan
  • The first and primary requirement for me in a director that I'd want to work with is: do they love writing, and do they love the collaboration process with writers?
    - Peter Morgan
  • I've done a lot of work in Hollywood and theatre, but to be honest, the biggest pleasure I've ever got is from the TV single plays I've written. It's a format where you don't mind saying, 'I want to tackle some important themes head on.'
    - Peter Morgan