Best quotes by Parker Posey on Me

Checkout quotes by Parker Posey on Me

  • I'm trying to work in studio movies, but they won't hire me.
    - Parker Posey
  • It hasn't really made it easier getting film work. It's not like I can call up a studio or a producer and say - insert haughty voice here - 'It's Parker. I guess you might know me as the indie queen. I'm wondering if you have any projects for me to be in.'
    - Parker Posey
  • I can do comedy, so people want me to do that, but the other side of comedy is depression. Deep, deep depression is the flip side of comedy. Casting agents don't realize it but in order to be funny you have to have that other side.
    - Parker Posey
  • My dad recently reminded me that my grandfather's cousin was Lefty Frizzell.
    - Parker Posey
  • Imagine if every airport would blast Brian Eno. I bet going through security wouldn't be as difficult. I can't imagine someone being aggressive with me with Brian Eno music pumping through the terminals at LAX.
    - Parker Posey
  • I just want to balance myself holistically and see what different foods do what to me.
    - Parker Posey
  • It sounds so dramatic, but I'll say it: Hollywood just doesn't know what to do with me. And it's not for lack of trying.
    - Parker Posey
  • I have a twin brother, so I was around guys like a sister. It was comfortable to me.
    - Parker Posey