Best quotes by Richard Dawkins on God

Checkout quotes by Richard Dawkins on God

  • We cannot, of course, disprove God, just as we can't disprove Thor, fairies, leprechauns and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
    - Richard Dawkins
  • If there is a God, it's going to be a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more incomprehensible than anything that any theologian of any religion has ever proposed.
    - Richard Dawkins
  • I like to think 'The God Delusion' is a humorous book. I think, actually, it's full of laughs. And people who describe it as a polarizing book or as an aggressive book, it's just that very often they haven't read it.
    - Richard Dawkins
  • We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.
    - Richard Dawkins
  • A universe with a God would look quite different from a universe without one. A physics, a biology where there is a God is bound to look different. So the most basic claims of religion are scientific. Religion is a scientific theory.
    - Richard Dawkins
  • It's a horrible idea that God, this paragon of wisdom and knowledge, power, couldn't think of a better way to forgive us our sins than to come down to Earth in his alter ego as his son and have himself hideously tortured and executed so that he could forgive himself.
    - Richard Dawkins